The whirlwind of swims in August has come to a close, a revolving door of tapering for one swim, recovering and preparing for another the following weekend…. here’s what was swum in August
- 2 way Crossing of Lake Champlain 16.4 miles: August 4th
- Boston Light Swim 8 miles:August 13th
- Lake Willoughby Swim 4.75 miles: August 20th
Time to ease off the throttle right? Well you would think so BUT back on July 26th, I received the following email, here is a bit of the content to give you a feel for the potential mischief I am considering……
Hey Charlotte:
Elaine Howley, Greg O’Conner and Jen Dutton and I are organizing a 26 mile swim on September 10th— In Search of Memphre, International Swim. We (I mean they) will be swimming the length of the lake from Newport to Magog or Magog to Newport depending on the wind direction on the day of the swim. It is intended to be a small, by invitation only, group of good spirited, swimmer scouts. We figure with 5 or 10 in the water our chances of a “sighting” will increase significantly. We know this is short notice, but we’d like to invite you to join us.
There has not been an organized international traverse of Lake Memphremagog since at least 2001. Part of our goal is to return this type of a swim to Lake Memphremagog and also to “break the border” so that more of these swims can occur. We have already started communications with border officials to pave the way for this swim to happen.
And, if we spot Memphre during the swim, well, wouldn’t that be wonderful.
Hope you can make it.
PS If you have a felony conviction in your background, forget it.
Well, I read the email, I am honored that these fine swimmers have extended me an invite, I ponder a reply, “hmmmm well it is very close to home, no flights required, I have a conditioning base started, these are terrific swimmers I am sure I will learn lots, I don’t have any criminal convictions and I do LOVE an adventure………better check in with the family first”, I think to myself, with that I call out to my daughter Heidi and son Soeren ” hey I’ve been invited to swim to Canada, what do you think?”, ” Awww go for it Mum”, they reply together, I ponder for a few more minutes, ” better check in with Jeff, my husband”, rats he’s not around to ask right now, and with that I type the following email reply…I’ll give you a hint before you read on…..”Canada Oh Canada”
An international swim, starting in the United States, finishing in Canada
At least half of the course will be swum at night with a midnight start time on September 1o
Distance = 26 Miles, my longest attempt
Estimated time of completion: 13-14 Hours
Water Temperature 60-65 F
Air Temperature : Night 49 F/ Daytime 72F
That has been the drive for the last 3 weeks, adding big miles, eating to fuel my swims, sleeping and fitting it all in around day to day life of work and family, PHEW!
Here is how the list of swims from week One:
Monday August 22nd 4800 meters Pool
Tuesday August 23rd 5.75 Miles Open Water
Wednesday 24th 3800 meters Pool + 2 miles Open Water
Thursday 25th 5.75 Miles Open Water
Friday 26th 5.75 Miles Open Water
Saturday 27th Split Swim: Dark 5am start 6.75 miles + Daytime Swim 3-5pm 5 miles TOTAL 11.75 Miles
Total for week One= 58,682 Meters or 36.4 miles
Total for the week Two = 58, 927 meters or 36.6 miles
Total Meters in the last 2 Weeks : 117,600 meters
Calories Consumed: A Whopping 84,000 Calories
So….here we are 117,600 meters in the last 14 days, that includes 2 rest days, 4 sessions of strength training, 4 sessions of Yoga and teaching a handful of group fitness classes, oh and a bucket load of eating, literally a bucket loader full of food.
What about the Training Swims….

Cool morning air of 43 Degrees combined with a warm 66 degree in the water makes for a steamy lake swim
The Cool Vermont Air, Fall is on the way…..
Sunday August 20th I send my crew an email with the training schedule for the next 4 weeks, it includes 16.5 hours of swimming per week, many of the sessions an early start time meaning getting up at 4 or 5am, the email is delivered with a chipper little note that says this…….
Subject Line: Summer comes to a close
Content:“Hey Crew, attached is schedule for late August and early September, big miles and early morning swims in preparation for Canada on September 10th”
Well, I got a quick smart reply, it is a ………THE SUMMERS NOT OVER memo right back at me from Deb, I quietly read and snicker to myself, next thing you know it is time to meet for our next swim. I notice a change in the air, during the night I find myself burrowing under the comforter, you guessed it there IS a chill in the air, I roll out of bed at 5am and go about getting ready for my swim, out of the house at 5:45am armed with feeds, a thermos, woolly hat and warm clothes, I glance up at the temperature prominently displayed on the bank in Morrisville, the little town I drive through to get to the lake, 43 degrees it proudly boasts, I am BEAMING, infact I am currently grinning like a Cheshire cat, I can’t wait to see Deb, I purposely stride over to her on my arrival to the lake and say” it is cold this morning Deb, the summer is coming to a close”. Deb is tight lipped as we take all our gear down to the canoe launch, I can’t take it anymore and finally blurt out the following with a mischievious smile ” Bit cooler this morning don’t you think Deb, specially with it being summer and all”, Deb looks up and smiles and I laugh a very ” I told you so laugh”.
It is in fact the only bright spot of the swim, the cold air bores into my head and my shoulders burn as I swim as strong as I can to keep my heart rate up and my core warm, the water Is 66 degrees, it was much warmer than the air and I drive my head under water to escape the cold early morning air. Deb later tells me she had never seen me so powerful in the water, here is what she reported…

Turtle puts on a brave face as he prepares to take the first swim of the morning, " this is the LAST time", he squeals as I plunge him under the water near the canoe launch, what a trooper.