Date:Thursday May 26th
Location:The Indoor Lap Pool and The Lap Pond
Today started with an early morning Pool swim of 8000 meters, the goal: endurance, feeding and getting some cold water time in.
The lap pool was a balmy 82 degrees…
Set 1
10 x 400’s on the 6:15 interval
with the goal of a 20 second feed on # 5 & # 10
then a swim with the masters group…..
Set 2
3 x 400’s on the 6:15 interval
4 x ( 200 Free on 3:00 )
( 150 Free on 2:15)
( 100 ez stretch on 2:15)
5 x 200’s pull on 3:00 with paddles
then out of the tropical lap pool waters and into the cool waters of the” lap pond”
set 3
10 x 200’s “Flip & Go” no interval today
One lap of the pond is around 200 yards, 10 laps is my goal today, the air temperature is 66 degrees, the skies are over cast and the water looks decidedly murky.
In goes the turtle thermometer, I strip down to my two piece suit, I’ve ditched my one piece to get maximum cold on my belly today. Cap on and I venture down the the waters edge to see what ” wise old turtle is telling me today”, normally he looks sympathetic when he is reading the water temperature, today he I swear he is smirking….
62 degrees….or is it 60 degrees, it’s still dropping, oh well ” bottoms up” ,and with that I am off. In I dive, today it is like a comfortor wrapping around me, but it is not warmth…it is COLD.
Down and back I swim, there are areas of water where the surface feels so lovely, warm infact and others where the temperature drops, the cold water aches. I long for the sun to break through the heavy dense clouds and warm my back, it doesn’t, it stays defiantly hidden, I feel bone cold.
Time to change my head space, no more thoughts of the cold, I start wondering what the 150 trout are thinking of me thrashing up and down in what is usually their tranquil pond. I giggle as I imagine them following me playfully like a swarm of bees, I them swimming together and making shapes out of all their little trout bodies, like a giant tick under water saying ” you can do it”!
I laugh under their, I feel warmer inside, yes I am feeling better. Before I know it I give myself the, this is the last lap notice, I swim the the edge and stop, hanging in the water and letting my body relax and hang just below the surface, I made it, cold water swim done for the day, I am most pleased!
Today’s distance… 8000 meters and 2000 yards
Next up my Memorial Weekend, swims indoors and out!