The ice has long melted, the lake temperture is rising, the summer breeze is blowing, yip, all signs point to it being time for the annual Kingdom swim in Lake Memphremagog and I am excited. I love the Kingdom swim, a gathering of good natured swimmers, 140 good natured swimmers to be exact, travelling from near and far, it is not unusual to hear many accents, including Aussie, English, Irish, French, Canadian, Vermonter and yes, even a kiwi, all coming to swim a variety of events, including the 1 mile, 3 mile, 6 mile, 10 mile and my new favourite the 15 mile border buster swim.
As the name states you literally BUST the border, swimming from Newport, Vermont, to Canada and back, this appeals to me very much indeed!
The training, always fun, has included pool swimming and a healthy dose of lake swimming, with the last two Saturday’s spent in Lake Willoughby, VT.
Lake Willoughby is an unseasonably cooler lake compared to it’s other Vermont lake cousins, Willoughby with a recent high of 63F, was a perfect hostess, allowing me to storm up and down, from North to South and back, with Cynthia Needham ( the one getting the biggest workout) battling flag straight out winds, by my side.
On my last visit I had company in the way of the Lake Willoughby Triathlon,sharing the lake with wet suit clad athletes, granted at the time we were starting from oppostie ends of the lake, eventually we got connected for a great exchange of stories of the day.
Next up, final race preparations and the big day itself, BIG FUN on the horizon. What’s made this swim extra special? Heidi Brynn and me training together, she is in for her first 6 mile swim, WAHOO!
What will the conditons be like and how many of us swim to Canada and back, I’ll keep you posted!