Sunday May 29 th
Temperature: 70 Degrees
Conditions: Thunderstorm watch, Rain & Clouds
Water Temperature: 60-64 degrees
Today is Sunday, my rest day…..NOT. This week it is the first spring swim in the Green River Reservoir, I have been outdoors in the lap pond a few times already this spring but I am yet to take that first lake/ reservoir swim.
I awake to heavy rain, it is ” chucking it down”, also tossed in are flashes of lightening and the rumble of thunder, under the covers I am remembering how chilling the cold water was last fall during my 50 degree last dip of 2010 in the Green River Reservoir.
I take a 9:00am Yoga class and by the end of class I have myself convinced that today’s swim will have to be postponed due to the weather, yet after class I still head home to pull on my bathing suit and get all my supplies ready. I am feeling uneasy, I am uncertain if it is the unsettled weather or simply me dragging my feet about today’s upcoming swim.
I scan the weather radar and call Paula ( my training crew team member), ” we are on Paula, looks like there is a window of time between storms from 12:00-2:00pm, lets go out and if it looks questionable we will make the call as a team, not just my decision…remember I tend to get things set in my mind and do them regardless, you me and Deb will decide together”
Paula replies, “agreed, see you at 12:00pm”. I arrive early and wait down by the water, I tie Turtle up to a tree and let him tell my fortune:” Oh wise turtle what water temperature will I swim in today”, turtle is a bit slow to respond, finally he tells all, ” 64 degrees shoreline”, ” bloody marvelous” I think that sounds very nice indeed.
Paula and Deb arrive, kayak in the water, we are set to go, Deb is paddling today, Paula is land support, Deb brings here life sized fake cat and sets it right on the front of the boat, she starts paddling out, I dawdle into the water, so as a snail, finally I shout to Deb, ” are you waiting for me?” “YES, any time now”, she replies, I laugh…we are off. Paula shouts” have fun” as I dive in.
As soon as I dive in all inhibitions wash right off me, the water is silky smooth, welcoming me back, familiar smells, familiar view underwater, black dark water, it looks as black as the night and I feel at ease. Within a few minutes my goggles fog over, ” Rats, I am out of practice I forgot to wash out my goggles with dish soap and water last night”, I learnt this tip from a previous Channel swimmer last summer and it has worked well for me. Never mind, I can at least make out the shape of the emerald eyed cat, I now name you : “Cat Stanley”, like flat Stanely except you are a cat and not flat. So that is my swim me and Cat Stanley, out to Blueberry Island and back, navigated by Deb of course, but I can’t see her, to me it looks like ” Cat Stanley” is pilot, it makes me giggle, I am having fun, just as Paula told me too.
As we approach the canoe launch inlet, I make out Paula’s bright blue pants on shore, I should not be peaking but I do, I know the swim is nearly over and I am excited with our outing. I am SO excited I dolphin dive the final 10 meters into shore, excited to have this first swim under my belt, excited that the water felt so comfortable, not cold at all and most of all excited to be back in the open water, the beautiful shoreline views and my friends the loons, who have returned after being away from the winter.What a relief to have that first spring swim complete.
Swim Time today: 30 minutes
Next Up: Monday May 30th Memorial Day, my plan a 1 hour swim with 2 feeds, has that “gulp’n go ” feeding in the pool over the winter paid off, am I faster feeding than I was last summer, we will find out tomorrow…I’ll keep you posted.